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Good To Know: Your Screens May Be Keeping You Awake

Blue Light Ruining Your Sleep? | Blocking Blue Light at Night Can Help You Sleep

How Technology May Impact Sleep Quality?

Recent studies show that the screens of our computers, tablets, and smartphones affect our ability to sleep well at night. These screens emit a spectrum of different colored light, but it is the blue light that keeps us awake into the night. We need this blue light, and get it during the day from the sun, but being exposed to blue light at night reduces the amount of the hormone melatonin that we produce for sleep, and swings our body clock later into the night. Here are some tips to help reduce our blue light consumption before bed.

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Is Blue Light Actually Harmful? What are Some Tips?

  • Limit your exposure to your computer, tablet, smartphone, and television 2-3 hours before bed.
  • Read a paper book instead of an eBook before bedtime.
  • Change your screens to filter blue light. Most Android phones have a setting to filter blue light. iPads have a setting that will filter blue light at a certain time that you set, or from dusk to dawn. Download a blue light filtering program for your computer like
  • Wear blue light blocking glasses or amber-tinted glasses in the evenings. • Use dim red lights for nightlights Use coated lightbulbs in your reading lamps to reduce blue light.

Want to learn more? Here are a few articles discussing the effects of blue light and your sleep cycle.

Blue light has a dark side

Blue Light and Sleep: What's the Connection?

Q&A: Why Is Blue Light before Bedtime Bad for Sleep?

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