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Remote Learning: How to Get Your Kids Set Up

E-Learning Remote Learning: How to Setup Your Children

School ending two months early? For most kids, that sounds like a dream come true. But this year, that’s no longer the case. From middle schoolers to college students, the year was cut short by being sent home thanks to the coronavirus. Most schools don’t anticipate reopening until next school year, in August or September! But that doesn’t mean schoolwork still isn’t due, even though kids may be working from your kitchen table now. 

The era of online schooling isn’t completely new. But it’s an abrupt shift, especially since no parents were prepared for such a drastic change in their lives. It’s even harder if parents are essential workers and need to go to work while their children remain at home. Most daycare centers are closed to prevent the spread of coronavirus, which makes it even harder. 

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However, one thing you don’t need is worrying about how to get your kid’s technology set up. Zoom classes? Turning in homework online? Setting up online school technology is just another thing to worry about. 

The transition to independent learning is a difficult one. Most people haven’t done it before. And even though homeschooling has gained a lot of traction in recent years, it’s not the same thing at all. Taking classes online still means that a teacher is dictating work and assignments, and there’s not as much room for flexibility. The responsibility for turning in assignments is still upon the student, but without much of the structure and assistance that comes from a typical classroom. 

To help you adapt to the changing times that require remote teaching, we’re conducting virtual sessions to help your kid get set up for online schooling at home.  GroovyTek has been helping parents get their technology set up to make taking classes online easier for their kids. From setting up Zoom to getting apps installed to make turning in schoolwork easier, our trainers have lots of experience with helping kids get set up for distance learning. 

If you’re frustrated with trying to do blended learning with your kids, our trainers can help you get a handle on this sudden and abrupt change today! Whether you’re trying to help monitor younger kids or track older kids, it will help you out in the future.

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